In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from math import exp, sqrt

def g(x):
    return exp(x - sqrt(x))

def fixedpoint(g,xold,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        xnew = g(xold)

        xdiff = xnew - xold
        print("{0:2d} {1:1.16f} {2:1.16f}".format(k,xnew,xdiff))

        if abs(xdiff/xnew) < tol:

        xold = xnew
        xnew = None

    return xnew

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for xold in (0.99, 2.499):
        x = fixedpoint(g,xold)
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from math import exp, sqrt

def f(x):
    return exp(x - sqrt(x)) - x

def bisection(f,x0,x1,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    f0 = f(x0)
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        x2 = (x0+x1)/2
        f2 = f(x2)
        if f0*f2 < 0:
            x1 = x2
            x0, f0 = x2, f2
        x2new = (x0+x1)/2
        xdiff = abs(x2new-x2)
        rowf = "{0:2d} {1:1.16f} {2:1.16f} {3:1.16f}"

        if abs(xdiff/x2new) < tol:
        x2new = None

    return x2new

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = bisection(f,0.,1.5)
    print(root); print("")
    root = bisection(f,1.5,3.)
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from bisection import f

def secant(f,x0,x1,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    f0 = f(x0)
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        f1 = f(x1)
        ratio = (x1 - x0)/(f1 - f0)
        x2 = x1 - f1*ratio

        xdiff = abs(x2-x1)
        x0, x1 = x1, x2
        f0 = f1

        rowf = "{0:2d} {1:1.16f} {2:1.16f} {3:1.16f}"

        if abs(xdiff/x2) < tol:
        x2 = None

    return x2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = secant(f,0.,1.7) 
    print(root); print("")
    root = secant(f,2.,2.1) 
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from legendre import legendre
import numpy as np

def legnewton(n,xold,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        val, dval = legendre(n,xold)
        xnew = xold - val/dval

        xdiff = xnew - xold
        if abs(xdiff/xnew) < tol:

        xold = xnew
        xnew = None
    return xnew

def legroots(n):
    roots = np.zeros(n)
    npos = n//2
    for i in range(npos):
        xold = np.cos(np.pi*(4*i+3)/(4*n+2))
        root = legnewton(n,xold) 
        roots[i] = -root
        roots[-1-i] = root
    return roots

if __name__ == '__main__':
    roots = legroots(9); print(roots)
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from gauelim_pivot import gauelim_pivot
from jacobi import termcrit
import numpy as np

def fs(xs):
    x0, x1 = xs
    f0 = x0**2 - 2*x0 + x1**4 - 2*x1**2 + x1
    f1 = x0**2 + x0 + 2*x1**3 - 2*x1**2 - 1.5*x1 - 0.05
    return np.array([f0,f1])

def jacobian(fs,xs,h=1.e-4):
    n = xs.size
    iden = np.identity(n)
    Jf = np.zeros((n,n))
    fs0 = fs(xs)
    for j in range(n):
        fs1 = fs(xs+iden[:,j]*h)
        Jf[:,j] = (fs1 - fs0)/h
    return Jf, fs0

def multi_newton(fs,jacobian,xolds,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        Jf, fs_xolds = jacobian(fs, xolds)
        xnews = xolds + gauelim_pivot(Jf, -fs_xolds)

        err = termcrit(xolds,xnews)
        print(k, xnews, err)
        if err < tol:

        xolds = np.copy(xnews)
        xnews = None
    return xnews

if __name__ == '__main__':
    xolds = np.array([1.,1.])
    xnews = multi_newton(fs,jacobian,xolds)
    print(xnews); print(fs(xnews))
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from jacobi import termcrit
import numpy as np

def phi(xs):
    x0, x1 = xs
    return x0**2 - 2*x0 + x1**4 - 2*x1**2 + x1

def gradient(phi,xs,h=1.e-6):
    n = xs.size
    phi0 = phi(xs)
    Xph = (xs*np.ones((n,n))).T + np.identity(n)*h
    grad = (phi(Xph) - phi0)/h
    return grad

def descent(phi,gradient,xolds,gamma=0.15,kmax=200,tol=1.e-8):
    for k in range(1,kmax):
        xnews = xolds - gamma*gradient(phi,xolds)

        err = termcrit(xolds,xnews)
        print(k, xnews, err, phi(xnews))
        if err < tol:

        xolds = np.copy(xnews)
        xnews = None
    return xnews

if __name__ == '__main__':
    xolds = np.array([2.,0.25])
    xnews = descent(phi, gradient, xolds)
In [ ]:
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (CUP, 2020)

from multi_newton import multi_newton
import numpy as np

def params():
    nvar = 99; m = 1.
    xini, xfin = 2., 0.
    tt = 1.; dt = tt/(nvar+1)
    return nvar, m, xini, xfin, dt

def fod(der,x):
    return -x**3 if der==0 else -3*x**2

def actfs(xs):
    nvar, m, xini, xfin, dt = params()
    arr = np.zeros(nvar)
    arr[0] = (m/dt)*(2*xs[0]-xini-xs[1]) + dt*fod(0,xs[0])
    arr[1:-1] = (m/dt)*(2*xs[1:-1] - xs[:-2] - xs[2:]) 
    arr[1:-1] += dt*fod(0,xs[1:-1])
    arr[-1] = (m/dt)*(2*xs[-1]-xs[-2]-xfin) + dt*fod(0,xs[-1])
    return arr

def actjac(actfs,xs):
    nvar, m, xini, xfin, dt = params()
    Jf = np.zeros((nvar,nvar))
    np.fill_diagonal(Jf, 2*m/dt + fod(1,xs)*dt)
    np.fill_diagonal(Jf[1:,:], -m/dt)   
    np.fill_diagonal(Jf[:,1:], -m/dt)   
    actfs_xs = actfs(xs)
    return Jf, actfs_xs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nvar, m, xini, xfin, dt = params()
    xolds = np.array([2-0.02*i for i in range(1,nvar+1)])
    xnews = multi_newton(actfs, actjac, xolds); print(xnews)