# barycentric.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return 1/(1 + 25*x**2)
def generatedata(n,f,nodes="cheb"):
if nodes=="cheb":
dataxs = -np.cos(np.linspace(0,np.pi,n))
dataxs = np.linspace(-1,1,n)
datays = f(dataxs)
return dataxs, datays
def weights(dataxs):
n = dataxs.size
ws = np.ones(n)
for k in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if j == k:
ws[k] *= (dataxs[k]-dataxs[j])
return 1/ws
def bary(dataxs,datays,ws,x):
k = np.where(x == dataxs)[0]
if k.size == 0:
nume = np.sum(ws*datays/(x-dataxs))
denom = np.sum(ws/(x-dataxs))
val = nume/denom
val = datays[k[0]]
return val
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataxs, datays = generatedata(15, f)
ws = weights(dataxs)
x = 0.3; pofx = bary(dataxs, datays, ws, x)
print(x, pofx, f(x))
# splines.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from barycentric import f, generatedata
from gauelim_pivot import gauelim_pivot
import numpy as np
def computecs(dataxs,datays):
n = dataxs.size
A = np.zeros((n-2,n-2))
np.fill_diagonal(A, 2*(dataxs[2:]-dataxs[:-2]))
np.fill_diagonal(A[1:,:], dataxs[2:-1]-dataxs[1:-2])
np.fill_diagonal(A[:,1:], dataxs[2:-1]-dataxs[1:-2])
b1 = (datays[2:]-datays[1:-1])/(dataxs[2:]-dataxs[1:-1])
b2 = (datays[1:-1]-datays[:-2])/(dataxs[1:-1]-dataxs[:-2])
bs = 6*(b1 - b2)
cs = np.zeros(n)
cs[1:-1] = gauelim_pivot(A, bs)
return cs
def splineinterp(dataxs,datays,cs,x):
k = np.argmax(dataxs>x)
xk = dataxs[k]; xk1 = dataxs[k-1]
yk = datays[k]; yk1 = datays[k-1]
ck = cs[k]; ck1 = cs[k-1]
val = yk1*(xk-x)/(xk-xk1) + yk*(x-xk1)/(xk-xk1)
val -= ck1*((xk-x)*(xk-xk1) - (xk-x)**3/(xk-xk1))/6
val -= ck*((x-xk1)*(xk-xk1) - (x-xk1)**3/(xk-xk1))/6
return val
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataxs, datays = generatedata(15, f, "equi")
cs = computecs(dataxs, datays)
x = 0.95; pofx = splineinterp(dataxs, datays, cs, x)
print(x, pofx, f(x))
# triginterp.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from math import pi
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return np.exp(np.sin(2*x))
def generatedata(n,f):
dataxs = 2*pi*np.arange(n)/n
datays = f(dataxs)
return dataxs, datays
def computeparams(dataxs,datays):
n = dataxs.size
m = n//2
aparams = np.zeros(m+1)
bparams = np.zeros(m-1)
for k in range(m+1):
aparams[k] = datays@np.cos(k*dataxs)/m
for k in range(1,m):
bparams[k-1] = datays@np.sin(k*dataxs)/m
return aparams, bparams
def triginterp(aparams,bparams,x):
n = aparams.size + bparams.size
m = n//2
val = 0.5*(aparams[0] + aparams[-1]*np.cos(m*x))
for k in range(1,m):
val += aparams[k]*np.cos(k*x)
val += bparams[k-1]*np.sin(k*x)
return val
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataxs, datays = generatedata(8, f)
aparams, bparams = computeparams(dataxs, datays)
x = 0.3; pofx = triginterp(aparams, bparams, x)
# fft.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from triginterp import f, generatedata
from math import pi
import numpy as np
def fft(ys):
n = ys.size
m = n//2
if n==1:
ytils = ys
evens = fft(ys[::2])
odds = fft(ys[1::2])
coeffs = np.exp(-2*pi*np.arange(m)*1j/n)
first = evens + coeffs*odds
second = evens - coeffs*odds
ytils = np.concatenate((first, second))
return ytils
def fftinterp(ytils,x):
n = ytils.size
m = n//2
val = ytils[:m]@np.exp(np.arange(m)*x*1j)
val += ytils[m]*np.cos(m*x)
val += ytils[m+1:]@np.exp(np.arange(-m+1,0)*x*1j)
return val/n
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = 8
dataxs, datays = generatedata(n, f)
ytils = fft(datays)
x = 0.3; pofx = fftinterp(ytils, x)
# linefit.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
import numpy as np
def helpers(dataxs,datays,datasigs):
S = np.sum(1/datasigs**2)
Sx = np.sum(dataxs/datasigs**2)
Sy = np.sum(datays/datasigs**2)
Sxx = np.sum(dataxs**2/datasigs**2)
Sxy = np.sum(dataxs*datays/datasigs**2)
Del = S*Sxx - Sx**2
return S, Sx, Sy, Sxx, Sxy, Del
def computecs(dataxs,datays,datasigs):
S,Sx,Sy,Sxx,Sxy,Del = helpers(dataxs,datays,datasigs)
cs = np.zeros(2); dcs = np.zeros(2)
cs[0] = (Sxx*Sy - Sx*Sxy)/Del
cs[1] = (S*Sxy - Sx*Sy)/Del
dcs[0] = np.sqrt(Sxx/Del)
dcs[1] = np.sqrt(S/Del)
return cs, dcs
def computechisq(dataxs,datays,datasigs,cs):
chisq = np.sum((datays-cs[0]-cs[1]*dataxs)**2/datasigs**2)
return chisq
dataxs = np.linspace(0,1,6)
datays = np.array([3.085, 3.123, 3.224, 3.360, 3.438, 3.569])
datasigs = np.array([0.048, 0.053, 0.02, 0.005, 0.023, 0.07])
cs, dcs = computecs(dataxs, datays, datasigs)
print(cs); print(dcs)
chisq = computechisq(dataxs, datays, datasigs, cs)
print(chisq/(dataxs.size - cs.size))
# newnormal.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from gauelim_pivot import gauelim_pivot
import numpy as np
def generatedata(N,a=0.,b=9,sts=(2,5,0.5,1)):
sa, sb, sc, sd = sts
data = np.zeros((3,N))
data[0,:] = np.linspace(a,b,N)
data[1,:] = sa + sb*np.sin(data[0,:])
data[2,:] = sc + sd*np.random.random(N)
data[1,:] += np.random.normal(0,data[2,:])
return data
def phi(n,k,x):
if n==5:
val = x**k
elif n==2:
val = 1. if k==0 else np.sin(x)
return val
def normalfit(data,phi,n):
N = data.shape[1]
A = np.zeros((N,n))
for k in range(n):
A[:,k] = phi(n,k,data[0,:])/data[2,:]
bs = data[1,:]/data[2,:]
cs = gauelim_pivot(A.T@A, A.T@bs)
chisq = np.sum((bs - A@cs)**2)
return cs, chisq
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = generatedata(8)
for n in (5, 2):
cs, chisq = normalfit(data, phi, n)
# bayes.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from gauelim_pivot import gauelim_pivot
from newnormal import generatedata, phi
import numpy as np
def inv(A):
n = A.shape[0]
invA = np.zeros((n,n))
for i,bs in enumerate(np.identity(n).T):
invA[:,i] = gauelim_pivot(A,bs)
return invA
def bayes(data, batches, primus, priS):
n = primus.size
i = 0
for N in batches:
A = np.zeros((N,n))
for k in range(n):
A[:,k] = phi(n,k,data[0,i:i+N])/data[2,i:i+N]
bs = data[1,i:i+N]/data[2,i:i+N]
priSinv = inv(priS)
postS = inv(A.T@A + priSinv)
postmus = postS@(A.T@bs + priSinv@primus)
primus, priS = postmus, postS
i += N
print(n, i, postmus, postS)
return postmus, postS
if __name__ == '__main__':
batches = 1, 4, 3
data = generatedata(np.sum(batches))
for n in (5, 2):
primus = np.zeros(n)
priS = np.zeros((n,n))
np.fill_diagonal(priS, np.linspace(10,2,n))
postmus, postS = bayes(data, batches, primus, priS)
# neural.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from jacobi import termcrit
from newnormal import generatedata
from numpy import exp
import numpy as np
def soft(der, x):
return np.log(1+exp(x)) if der==0 else exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
def getzspofx(W, x, act):
zs = act(0, W[1,:]*x + W[2,:])
pofx = act(0, W[0,:]@zs + W[3,0])
return zs, pofx
def backprop(W, x, y, act):
zs, pofx = getzspofx(W, x, act)
ders = np.zeros((4,zs.size))
ders[3,0] = 2*(pofx - y)*act(1, W[0,:]@zs + W[3,0])
ders[0,:] = ders[3,0]*zs
ders[1,:] = ders[3,0]*W[0,:]*x*act(1,W[1,:]*x+W[2,:])
ders[2,:] = ders[3,0]*W[0,:]*act(1,W[1,:]*x+W[2,:])
return ders
def sgd(W, x, y, act=soft, g=0.006, kmax=300, tol=1.e-4):
for k in range(1,kmax):
ders = backprop(W, x, y, act)
Wn = np.array([W[i,:]-g*ders[i,:] for i in range(4)])
_, pofxnew = getzspofx(Wn, x, act)
conds = [termcrit(W[i,:],Wn[i,:]) for i in range(3)]
if np.all([val<tol for val in conds[:3]]):
W = np.copy(Wn)
return Wn, (pofxnew - y)**2
if __name__ == '__main__':
sts = (1.5,1.2,0.15,0.08)
data = generatedata(400,0.2,4.2,sts)
W = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(4,10))
W, s = sgd(W, data[0,155], data[1,155]); print(s)
# newblack.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from gauelim_pivot import gauelim_pivot
from jacobi import termcrit
import numpy as np
def generatedata():
data = np.zeros((3,13))
data[0,:] = np.array([373.1, 492.5, 733, 755, 799, 820,
877, 1106, 1125, 1403, 1492, 1522, 1561])
data[1,:] = np.array([156., 638, 3320, 3810, 4440, 5150,
6910, 16400, 17700, 44700, 57400, 60600, 67800])
data[2,:] = np.ones(data.shape[1])
return data
def model(cs,x):
return cs[0] + cs[1]*x**cs[2]
def getKrs(data, cs):
K = np.zeros((data.shape[1], cs.size))
K[:,0] = 1/data[2,:]
K[:,1] = data[0,:]**cs[2]/data[2,:]
K[:,2] = cs[1]*data[0,:]**cs[2]*np.log(data[0,:])/data[2,:]
rs = (data[1,:] - model(cs, data[0,:]))/data[2,:]
return K, rs
def gaussnewton(data, colds, kmax=50, tol=1.e-8):
for k in range(1,kmax):
K, rs = getKrs(data, colds)
cnews = colds + gauelim_pivot(K.T@K, K.T@rs)
err = termcrit(colds,cnews)
if err < tol:
colds = np.copy(cnews)
return cnews
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = generatedata()
colds = np.array([-700, 1.26e-8, 4.5])
cs = gaussnewton(data,colds); print(cs)