# newtoncotes.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return 1/np.sqrt(x**2 + 1)
def rectangle(f,a,b,n):
h = (b-a)/(n-1)
xs = a + np.arange(n-1)*h
fs = f(xs)
return h*np.sum(fs)
def trapezoid(f,a,b,n):
h = (b-a)/(n-1)
xs = a + np.arange(n)*h
cs = np.ones(n); cs[0] = 0.5; cs[-1] = 0.5
contribs = cs*f(xs)
return h*np.sum(contribs)
def simpson(f,a,b,n):
h = (b-a)/(n-1)
xs = a + np.arange(n)*h
cs = 2*np.ones(n)
cs[1::2] = 4; cs[0] = 1; cs[-1] = 1
contribs = cs*f(xs)
return (h/3)*np.sum(contribs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ans = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(2))
for integrator in (rectangle, trapezoid, simpson):
print(integrator(f, 0., 1., 51), end=" ")
# adaptive
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from newtoncotes import f, rectangle, trapezoid, simpson
import numpy as np
def adaptive(f,a,b,integrator,kmax = 20,tol = 1.e-12):
functodenom = {rectangle:1, trapezoid:3, simpson:15}
denom = functodenom[integrator]
n = 2
val = integrator(f,a,b,n)
for k in range(kmax):
nprime = 2*n-1
valprime = integrator(f,a,b,nprime)
err = abs(valprime-val)/denom
err /= abs(valprime)
print(nprime, valprime, err)
if err<tol:
n, val = nprime, valprime
valprime = None
return valprime
if __name__ == '__main__':
ans = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(2))
print(ans); print("")
for integrator in (rectangle, trapezoid, simpson):
print(adaptive(f, 0., 1., integrator)); print("")
# romberg.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from newtoncotes import f, trapezoid
import numpy as np
def prettyprint(row):
for elem in row:
print("{0:1.11f} ".format(elem),end="")
def richardson(Rprev, Rincurr0, i):
Rcurr = [Rincurr0]
for j in range(1, i+1):
val = (4**j*Rcurr[j-1] - Rprev[j-1])/(4**j - 1)
return Rcurr
def romberg(f,a,b,imax = 20,tol = 1.e-8):
n = 2
val = trapezoid(f,a,b,n)
Rprev = [val]
for i in range(1,imax):
nprime = 2*n-1
Rincurr0 = trapezoid(f,a,b,nprime)
Rcurr = richardson(Rprev, Rincurr0, i)
err = abs(Rprev[-1] - Rcurr[-1])/abs(Rcurr[-1])
valprime = Rcurr[-1]
if err < tol:
n = nprime
Rprev = Rcurr[:]
valprime = None
return valprime
if __name__ == '__main__':
ans = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(2))
# gauleg.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from legendre import legendre
from legroots import legroots
from newtoncotes import f
import numpy as np
def gauleg_params(n):
xs = legroots(n)
cs = 2/((1-xs**2)*legendre(n,xs)[1]**2)
return xs, cs
def gauleg(f,a,b,n):
xs, cs = gauleg_params(n)
coeffp = 0.5*(b+a)
coeffm = 0.5*(b-a)
ts = coeffp + coeffm*xs
contribs = cs*f(ts)
return coeffm*np.sum(contribs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ans = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(2))
for n in range(2,10):
print(n, gauleg(f,0.,1,n))
# montecarlo.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from newtoncotes import f
import numpy as np
def montecarlo(f,a,b,n,option="uniform"):
us = np.random.uniform(a, b, n)
if option=="uniform":
fs = f(us)
c0 = 4 - 2*np.sqrt(2)
c1 = -6 + 4*np.sqrt(2)
xs = (-c0 + np.sqrt(2*c1*us + c0**2))/c1
fs = f(xs)/(c0 + c1*xs)
fbar, err = stats(fs)
return (b-a)*fbar, (b-a)*err
def stats(fs):
n = fs.size
fbar = np.sum(fs)/n
fsq = np.sum(fs**2)/n
varfbar = (fsq - fbar**2)/(n - 1)
return fbar, np.sqrt(varfbar)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for n in 10**np.arange(2,7):
avu, erru = montecarlo(f, 0., 1., n)
avi, erri = montecarlo(f, 0., 1., n, option="is")
rowf = "{0:7d} {1:1.9f} {2:1.9f} {3:1.9f} {4:1.9f}"
print(rowf.format(n, avu, erru, avi, erri))
# eloc.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
import numpy as np
def psi(al, oms, X):
rexp = np.sum(oms*X**2)
return np.exp(-0.5*al*rexp)
def ekin(al, oms, X, h=0.01, hom = 1.):
npart, ndim = X.shape
psiold = psi(al, oms, X)
kin = 0.
for (j,el), r in np.ndenumerate(X):
X[j,el] = r + h
psip = psi(al, oms, X)
X[j,el] = r - h
psim = psi(al, oms, X)
X[j,el] = r
lapl = (psip + psim - 2.*psiold)/h**2
kin += -0.5*hom*lapl/psiold
return kin
def epot(oms, X, strength = 3, m = 1., q = 1.):
npart, ndim = X.shape
pot = 0.5*m*np.sum(oms**2*X**2)
for k in range(1,npart):
for j in range(k):
r2 = np.sum((X[j,:] - X[k,:])**2)
pot += strength*np.exp(-q*r2)
return pot
if __name__ == '__main__':
npart, ndim, al = 4, 3, 0.6
oms = np.arange(1, 1 + ndim)
X = 1/np.arange(1, 1 + npart*ndim).reshape(npart, ndim)
print(ekin(al, oms, X), epot(oms, X))
# vmc.py
# Author: Alex Gezerlis
# Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (2nd ed., CUP, 2023)
from eloc import psi, ekin, epot
from montecarlo import stats
import numpy as np
def vmc(npart, ndim, al, oms, inseed=8735):
ncurly, nm, th = 10**4, 100, 0.8
Xold = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (npart, ndim))
psiold = psi(al, oms, Xold)
iacc, imeas = 0, 0
eners = np.zeros(ncurly)
for itot in range(nm*ncurly):
Xnew = Xold + th*np.random.uniform(-1,1,(npart, ndim))
psinew = psi(al, oms, Xnew)
psiratio = (psinew/psiold)**2
if np.random.uniform(0,1) <= psiratio:
Xold = np.copy(Xnew)
psiold = psinew
iacc +=1
if (itot%nm)==0:
eners[imeas] = ekin(al,oms,Xold) + epot(oms,Xold)
imeas += 1
return iacc/(nm*ncurly), eners
if __name__ == '__main__':
npart, ndim, al = 4, 3, 0.6
oms = np.arange(1, 1 + ndim)
accrate, eners = vmc(npart, ndim, al, oms)
av, err = stats(eners)
print(accrate, av, err)